Millennium Energy Systems firma un convenio para el desarrollo tecnológico con el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial – CDTI

Last 07th June 2012 Millennium Energy Systems have been signed a financing agreement with the “Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial – CDTI”, under the authority of the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity of Spain, to development and savings costs of new Thermosolar Fresnel Plant.

This agreement allows improving and making more competitives the currents thermosolar plants, improving its production ratios and adapting the production costs to present market.

The objective of Millennium Energy Systems is work without necessity of bonus and following a sustainable model which produces energy near the consumption, focusing in auto consumption as a way to access to saving and energy efficiency production system, adapting to real demand of our society.

Being clear the continuous growth of energy, present day and in the future, Millennium Energy Systems bases his technology in owns patents, positioning as a leading company in a future development, offering energy at competitive price and improving the company costs.

Millennium Energy Systems have been signed an agreement with “Polytechnic University of Catalonia – UPC” and with the company “Grupo Ortiz” too, to extend his project to every place in the World.